Late Post!
May was a pretty good month. I saved $3 more than I spent the entire month. D and I went to see the Avengers, his first 3D movie! We also both got tickets from the police on the same day. Mine a speeding ticket, his was not having a renewed licence sticker. We planted our first veggie garden, we are beginning to see the rewards of that now! I quit my old serving job at the sushi restaurant and started working at the new busy restaurant. I made more than a typical month since my work in Toronto was paid this month.
Rent (19%) ACTUAL: 8%
Hydro (3%) 3%
Internet (3%) 2%
Laundry (2%) 1%
Car and Gas (11%) ACTUAL: 3%
Phone (3%) ACTUAL: 2%
Food (8%) ACTUAL: 7%
Restaurant (3%) ACTUAL: 1%
Personal/Medical (4%) ACTUAL 4%
Clothing (5%) ACTUAL: 3% A pair of jogging pants and 2 summer dresses
Gifts (5%) ACTUAL 3%
Education (2%) ACTUAL 0%
Entertainment (3%) ACTUAL 1%
Everything Else (5%) ACTUAL: 3% Bought some fabric, a bath mat, cutlery holder, speeding ticket
TOTAL (73%) ACTUAL 40% Woo! I wasn't over in anything this month! Definitely due to making more this month though.
TFSA (15%) ACTUAL: 24%
Christmas (3%) ACTUAL: 3%
Camera (3%) ACTUAL: 5%
RRSP (5%) ACTUAL: 0%
Travel Fund (3%) ACTUAL: 8%
TOTAL (28%) ACTUAL 40% Yay, back on the savings train.
Wow. You BOTH got separate tickets on the same day? Was it from the same officer?