About Me

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Season!

2 shopping days left. I STILL have not got D anything. We talked about it yesterday and I suggested that we set a limit because we are going on a trip. Probably around $150-$200 which is still quite a bit for a Christmas gift I think, so that is good.

The other day I made candycane bark. It's the EASIEST thing you can make. You need, white chocolate chips, milk chocolate chips, and candycanes. Melt the milk chocolate ones in a microwave and spread over parchment or wax paper. Let it cool (I just put mine outside on a cookie sheet). Then melt the white chocolate chips and spread over the cooled milk chocolate. Then top with crushed up candycane. Put it outside or in the fridge to harden a little more and then break into pieces. I cut mine into strips first and then broke into pieces so they were a bit more even. Mmm

I've learned that the average person gains 7lbs from now until New Years Day. I believe it with all the Christmas baking and celebrating!

I am having Christmas with my family and my mom is cooking a turkey. D's parents invited me over for Christmas brunch or dinner at their house on Christmas day too. I said I'd come in the afternoon for a short visit. I'm thinking about bringing them some Christmas flowers and a card. Although I may have to buy the flowers tomorrow or Friday since they won't be open Christmas day.

My mom's birthday falls over our trip as well. So I am thinking I will go to the florist soon and order her some flowers to be delivered to her work or our house. Her b-day falls on a Sunday so not sure whether I should send the flowers here or to her work on the Friday before her b-day.


  1. I love how enthusiastic you are about Christmas, have an awesome time.

  2. ooh. thanks for the Christmas Bark recipe/idea.

    Merry Christmas!
