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Thursday, March 31, 2011

March Spending

And March is over! That was a busy month. It was a very fun month though as well. I did some reading, it was D's birthday, we went to Yuk Yuk's a couple of times, we went to a concert and several hockey games to cheer on my brother's friend. So here is how I did:

Car and Gas (15%) ACTUAL: 12%
Phone (4%) ACTUAL: 3%
Food (4%) ACTUAL: 0%
Restaurant (4%) ACTUAL: 5%
Personal/Medical (6%) ACTUAL 0%
Clothing (5%) ACTUAL: 2%
Gifts (2%) ACTUAL 9% D's birthday
Education (2%) ACTUAL 0%
Entertainment (4%) ACTUAL 8% Drinks, hockey games, comedy show
Everything Else (3%) ACTUAL: 2% Stamps, bin, sheets
TOTAL (48%) ACTUAL 40%

So these calculations were changed this month. Usually I calculate it based on what I "typically" make in a month but this time I based it on what my income was for the month. I was under budget for the spending category!
Now let's look at the SAVINGS I managed to get to this month!

TFSA (35%) ACTUAL: 29%
Christmas (5%) ACTUAL: 12%
Computer (3%) 6%
RRSP (6%) ACTUAL: 14%
Travel Fund (3%) ACTUAL: 12%
TOTAL (52%) ACTUAL 72%

So I overspent what I earned this month by about 12% but this was because I had some extra money in the bank to be able to play with. I'm happy with the way this month went. I'm very excited about April since it's a 3 paycheque month and I plan to do a lot more saving. Hopefully reaching 4 of my financial goals if my income tax return cheque comes next month!


  1. Great job on the savings! My first paycheck will be on Tuesday - I'm trying to figure out how to divide it before I foolishly blow it on something silly!

    By the way, with Excel, you could make a pie chart for the strong visual-spatial learners like me :P

  2. I love the way you break this down!

  3. You might have overspent for March but look at your savings! Great job!

  4. I agree with The Asian Pear... You over spend on savings!! That's the best kind of over spending!!
