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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Things I WANT....Not Need...With PICS!!

These are some things on my want list. I defintiely don't NEED any of them but here they are anyway...

This bow necklace. I just think it's really pretty and I don't wear a necklace anymore.

A new laptop. Mine shuts down daily and it's extremely frustrating. A macbook would be awesome!

Yep an SLR camera would be amazing, but again, can't justify the expense.

More flannel lol. It's just so comfortable and I think it looks good too :)

A pet! I miss not having one around.

I want summer to be here already, winter you can leave at ANY time now.

I want to learn a new talent. I want to learn guitar and ASL.

I want to see a sea turtle while SCUBA diving!

I want to see more of the world!!

New duvet cover and bedroom furniture.

A house!

And a car. That's it! 

 I know I won't be purchasing any of these items for a long long time, but one can dream...


  1. other than the Macbook cause i just got one I can pretty much agree with you on everything

  2. *sigh* I want summer to be here too. At least SPRING!

  3. I love your "that's it!" comment.. rotfl!!!

    I have a Nikon D90, and they're totally worth it! ;) lol!!

    Love your list, i'd ditto most of it! lol!

  4. i'd be happy for a loooong time if i had all of those things on your list! I have a fancy camera with the protruding lenses thing, it's a nikon, and it's a used camera from my mom, but i have no idea how to use it!

    oh and I got myself the bow necklace from tifannys a few years ago and love it. Mine is not as shiny as the one in the pic tho :(

  5. I saw many sea turtles scuba diving and snorkling in Hawai'i. So yanno, plan a vaca. ;)

  6. I'm totally with you on the whole pet thing. A new fancy camera couldn't hurt either. ;)

  7. I've been coveting a lot of fancy new things - it's fun to dream, isn't it? I was a copy cat and just blogged my own list of wants/things I'm dreaming about.

  8. I want an SLR camera too. My 5/6 year old point and shoot isn't cutting it anymore. =(

  9. Love your blog. I just found it and have to admit that I have a list of "wants not needs" as well. I don't think there's any shame in wanting nice things ... you just have to budget for them after the "needs". I'm working on that myself! :)
